The voice in your head.

The voice in your head.

Have you noticed the voice in your head can be pretty mean?

Your harshest critic?

Some days it can be unrelenting, interrupting your plans, squashing your big ideas. It’s hard to ignore a voice that knows all of your weaknesses.

Honestly, that voice isn’t you. That voice was created by every negative person, every critical voice you’ve met.

It’s them not you.

There is another voice a better voice. But perhaps you’ve never listened to it or it’s been drowned out by your noisy critic.

Learning to ignore that negative voice is easy.

I have a 3 step plan:

1. If the voice tells you not to do something. Take a tiny step in the opposite direction. If the voice says don’t do that thing do it. It’s ok to start small.

2. Make a list of things you achieve each day.

3. Experiment with your vocabulary. Notice how often you start sentences with can’t, won’t, probably or might. Once you switch up your negative vocab. Your inner voice will become more positive too.

Give a try you might be surprised.


May the 4th be with you